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Showing posts from December 7, 2008

Visual semiotics: Pop culture education conference

Thanks for Jan Connelly shared with us such wonderful advsertisement demonstrating visual semiotics and intertextual meanings. David Buckingham in the pre-conference workshop expressed that visual semiotics and multimodality are using the methods of textual analysis but with new invented wordings. Here Jan presented "intertextual meanings" and made use of this to analyses with visual semiotics. To me, intertextual meanings" might have similar meaning as multimodality, both are talking the text, visual,sound and with social embedded meaning for interpretation. I like Jan's perspectives in "read with the text", "read across the text" and "read against the text". Social semiotcs are playing a role in interpretation. In fact, the following video is wonderful. Can you guess the product while watching the video?


In addition to New Literacies, New London Group (1996) introduced the term multiliteracies in response to the changing social conditions of global capitalism, especially on the new demands on the job markets. Jewitt (2008) summarized Multiliteracies as literacies beyond traditional written and spoken litearcy to expressing ourselves with multiple and multimodal texts. Situated in the digital word, we communicate not limited to text, but visual, audio, video and all other new modes such as in Facebook and blog etc. We are expressing ourselves in Multimodal Discourse (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2001). In summary, Jewitt (2008) remarked that multimodality is about meaning making through the situated configurations across image, gesture, gaze, body posture, sound , writing, music, speech .... Next time don't blame that the youth are getting worse in expressing themselves in written or spoken language. They might be expert in expressing themselve in Facebook and YouTube.